Thursday, July 31, 2014

Robyn and Phil

Robyn and Phil had a very special day today.

A swift pint was taken with Phil before and wedding and whilst others gathered stories were told and cigarettes rolled.

Time was upon us so after a cocktail we made up way to the where the Wedding would take place - what did this look like (a comment from family?)

The music began and the bridesmaids began to join us.

Followed by a proud father and his daughter - I do enjoy this bit.

Robyn walked to Phil and he turned - lovely.

Words were shared and we hope that promises made were promised kept - but a zoo?

Smiles, kisses and tears were shared with the family.

Robyn and Phil took everyone to Panwa House where the flowers were thrown and then the cake cut.

A surprise boat trip was then taken....

Congratulations Robyn and Phil

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